
Salvia pratensis

Meadow Sage
Salvia pratensis

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
AKA: Introduced Sage, Meadow Clary
Photo taken on: August 4, 2020
Location: Taylor Canyon, Almont, CO
Life Zones: Foothills
Habitat: Sandy, gravelly areas, roadsides

Grows from 1 to 3 feet tall with spikes of two-lipped purple flowers above large, mostly basal, leaves. Leaves have prominent veins and wrinkled edges. The few leaves on the stem are small.  The flowers grow in whorls of 4 to 8 flowers around the stem and are about 1" long with a narrow, arched upper lip and wide, lobed lower lip. Two stamens protrude from the upper lip.

The plant in the photo was going to seed. It is a native of Europe introduced to North America and is considered a noxious weed in Washington State. arrow

Salvia pratensis
Salvia pratensis

Blue/Purple Long Clusters